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Seniors free social lunches continue at Gibsons Seniors Society's Harmony Hall

Gibsons Seniors Society is booming
Volunteer servers are ready to serve the great hot lunch. Margot Baur, Christa and Brian Morrison.

Thanks to a great group of volunteers and great support from the Town of Gibsons, our beautiful new dining room is now open. This bright space has a wonderful forest view and is fully equipped to seat 50 hungry folks.  

New programs are being developed, new social activities are in the planning stage and the most exciting news is that our members can now access our affordable lunch program three days a week, Monday (soup and sandwich), Wednesday and Thursday (hot meal). Our wonderful cook Gabby, just keeps on finding creative ways to make our meals wonderful. 

When this beautiful room is not being used to serve lunches, it can be booked for classes/programs, for example Art with Friends is offered here Mondays at 2 p.m., and all aspiring artists are welcome. The room can also be booked by other non-profits for a reasonable fee.   

Continuing in 2025, Harmony Hall is proud to be host to the Seniors Free Social Lunch Program every Saturday. Funded by a generous grant from the United Way, the Saturday lunches are more than just lunch, they are an event! It’s a great opportunity to meet some new folks and enjoy the entertainment that follows each delicious hot lunch. Harmony Hall membership is not required to attend. The free lunches are available to any senior on the Coast. When the winter doldrums hit, and the days are gray, come on over to Harmony Hall on Saturday for great fun and a good meal. To make sure we have enough seats for all, just call, 604-886-3919 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to get your name on the list for the next available lunch.