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Sechelt library bids farewell to pop-up

Sechelt Library Pop-Up Edition leaves Trail Bay Mall June 19
The Sechelt Library has had a temporary location in Trail Bay Mall since March while flood restoration is under way at its usual location.

It never ceases to amaze us how unpredictable even a library can be! But even through constantly changing regulations and operations during COVID, to remediation planning for our decaying building exterior, to almost six months dealing with the aftermath of a serious building flood, we always find a way to continue to serve the public in the best way possible. 

When the great snowfall of Jan. 17 combined with roof piping issues resulted in flood water raining from the library ceiling and contents sitting in standing water, important decisions were necessary once again. Initially, the repair timeline indications were one month, thus the staff door pickup service was a good short-term plan. But when, at the four-week mark, we were faced with a new restoration timeline, the plans had to change. If we did not find a creative way to extend our services from the back staff door to an operation of substantially more, too many services and too many people would suffer. As the director, I was not OK with what our community would lose if we did not adapt and our staff all agreed. 

On Feb. 26, we formally announced that the anticipated remaining library closure would be an additional nine to 17 weeks (early May to Early July). In addition to the pick-up services already being offered at the staff door of the main library, we considered many service alternatives. In the end, our creative solution to best serve our community and accommodate some important patron services was to open a “Sechelt Library Pop-Up Edition” at the Trail Bay Mall. This new Pop-Up Edition was created in our minds, planned with coloured felts on six large whiteboards and set up within just two weeks. It officially opened on March 6. 

In addition to the continued services at the main library, these almost four months at the Pop-Up Edition allowed more than 10,000 additional patrons to browse books, magazines, audio books and other items at their leisure, get in-person staff assistance, sit at a computer and search our library catalogue, study at a table, use free WIFI, read newspapers, pick up brochures on legal matters and community programs and pick up free seeds from our beautiful Seed Library. Our Pop-Up Library also accommodated the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program where more than 160 qualifying people had their taxes done for free. The teams from Service Canada and the CRA were able to serve our community with appointments at our Pop-Up Library “SuperClinic.” More than 130 people received free half-hour technology appointments with Jason who helped them work through their phone, email and computer issues. Fifty adult programs were able to continue at the Pop-Up because they were quieter in nature (well, sometimes knitters and card makers can be a raucous bunch!). Many school groups, day cares and parents brought little ones who were delighted with our Pop-Up’s selection of toys, puppets and books. Everyone was happy to have even just a little piece of their beloved Sechelt Library! 

Between scheduling, coordinating multi trips a day item transportation, behind the scenes cataloguing, and staffing, the Pop-Up was a lot of work – but our library staff would do it all again because they love their roles in serving our community. Not to say we welcome any more disasters though! 

As we near completion of the repairs at the main library, it was decided the last day for the Pop-Up to remain open was Wednesday June 19 in preparation for packing and moving contents back to the main library. 

We are grateful to have had a B.C. government grant to pay for all the costs associated with the Pop-Up and appreciate how well Trail Bay Mall was able to accommodate us. Our community has adapted to this necessary change in service, shown much appreciation and supported us throughout. Many don’t want the Pop-Up to go. (Sorry, but we just cannot keep it!) 

Our main Sechelt Library, foyer and public washrooms…well that is still a work in progress that we hope to have completed very soon. Difficulties with our insurance provider has caused many frustrating delays in the process of Coast Wide Restoration’s work on the library interior and in the claiming of items lost during the flood. Our BC Summer Reading Club activities kick off early July with all activities held outdoors or in the Community Room. During that time, staff will be working hard to put the library items back in order, changing internal cataloguing records, and readying the library for official reopening. All going well, we anticipate that the Sechelt Library should be opened to the public by mid-July. Maybe we will have cupcakes…