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Pender Harbour-Egmont highlights: Living Heritage Society has a momentous lineup

Also, Wildlife Society walk features Frances Point Provincial Park and matching March donations for PODS
Pender Harbour

The fantastic team and remarkably busy folks at Pender Harbour Living Heritage Society have momentous events coming up, so save the dates. March 21: Sarah Wray Hall open 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Drop in for a visit! March 28: PH Living Heritage society AGM, 1 p.m. via Zoom invite. Email for the link and AGM documents. Everyone welcome! April 26: April Tools at Madeira Park Wharf. Register your team now. April 26: The 2025 Canoe Raffle for “Redwood” begins on our website and at April Tools. May 17: The 80th Annual May Day in Madeira Park. Canoe Raffle tickets will be on sale in person at our table on the field. Spring and Summer 2025, various dates: Sarah Wray Hall will be open for visitors. Check the SWH page or Facebook page for dates coming soon. Aug. 8 to 10: Pender Harbour Wooden Boat Show. More details to come! Aug. 10, 2 p.m.: Canoe Raffle draw for “Redwood” at Madeira Park Wharf.

Sunday Live Music at the Legion Sunday, March 23, 2 to 5 p.m., the outstanding Steve Hinton Band will be performing. Music, good food, friends and fun, ingredients for an exceptionally good time! $10 at the door.  

Harbour Gallery will be presenting at Women’s Connection on Tuesday, March 25, from 10 a.m. to noon at the School of Music. Extraordinary artists June Malaka and Heather Field will be giving a brief history of the gallery. A tour of the gallery will follow. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. Drop in $4. Refreshments provided.

Harbourside Friendships drop-in Thursday, March 27 will offer free lunch for all who attend, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hall.

Pender Harbour Wildlife Society nature walk at the spectacular Frances Point Provincial Park Saturday, March 29, 10 a.m. to noon. Francis Point Provincial Park features a rugged coastal landscape shaped by geological forces over millions of years. The park sits within the Coast Plutonic Complex, a massive geological formation that extends from B.C. into Alaska. The bedrock consists of intrusive igneous rocks that formed deep underground during the late Jurassic to early Tertiary periods (100-200 million years ago). These rocks were later exposed through erosion. Free for Pender Harbour Wildlife Society members, $2 for non-members.

Sunday, March 30, Pender Harbour Music Society presents two concerts Piano Heist, Nico Rhodes and Patrick Courtin deliver everything from classical to bombastic boogie, embracing all musical genres on two keyboards and a synthesizer. What ensues is a mishmash of theatre, comedy, audience participation, heartfelt stories, a pinch of history, and a world of musical madness. The 10:30 a.m. show is for the entire family. Tickets are $10 (children under age 12) and $15 (adults). 2 p.m. show is a full performance for all ages. $30.00

The Pender Harbour Garden Club is pleased to present Sandy Matches of Kleindale, on Monday, March 31, at the School of Music from 1 to 3 p.m. Proprietor of Handy Sandy Exterior Design, he has designed and installed gardens along the Sunshine Coast for over a decade. With a career in graphic design, Sandy worked in Vancouver for a landscape designer. He has gardened and collected specimen plants since childhood. Sandy will be presenting “Beds & Between,” followed by Q & A. Membership fees are $20 for a calendar year or $5 drop in.

You can make a difference and help our local research PODS monitoring team by volunteering or donating. During March, your donation will be matched with a goal of $5,000. Doubled, it will equal $10,000 for their local biologists’ program of monitoring our shores. Donate online or at EarthFair store, tax receipts issued for over $20.

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