The Harbour has a fantastic weekend of music! Tonight, Friday, March 14, the School of Music Coffee House welcomes two favourite performers, the trio Spindrift Street and solo music man Matt Richards. Doors open at 7 p.m. Music at 7:30. Suggested donation $10 at the door.
Saturday at the Hall, the Pender Harbour Blues Society spring dance with the outstanding Paper Boys is not to be missed! This phenomenal group will have you dancing all night. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. A few tickets may be till available at EarthFair Store and the PHBS website $40.
Saturday, the Backeddy has the excellent duo of Los Dos: Mike West, and Poppa Greg.
Sunday, March 16, you are in luck, catch another Spindrift Street performance, yes, two in one weekend. This time they will perform at the Legion 2 to 5 p.m. $10 at the door.
Madeira Market, coordinated by the incredibly talented Nadia Vassev of Piccasoloaf, is starting up March 18 running through Sept. 23. This small, food-focused market will include artisans and crafters. The market at the Hall will be every other Tuesday and some Mondays, 3 to 7 p.m. The dates are March 18 and 25; April 1, 15, 29; May 27; June 10 and 24; July 1, 15, 22; Aug. 12 and 26; Sept. 9 and 23, 3 to 7 p.m. The Madeira Market welcomes a broad diversity of vendors, if you are an artist, crafter, grower, or maker please consider joining them. Support local, buy local. Nadia and her team are working hard to manage in this changing landscape. Contact Nadia at 604-773-2393.
Harbourside Friendships, Thursdays, drop-in program, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hall, March 20 will feature a presentation on the PCN (Primary Care Network) pharmacist in Pender Harbour.
Community Volunteer Awards nominations are now open. After several years on hold due to pandemic-related disruptions and the absence of regular in-person town hall meetings, the Pender Harbour and Area Residents Association (PHARA) and the Rotary Club of Pender Harbour are reviving their Community Volunteer Awards. Pender Harbour and the surrounding area thrive because of dedicated volunteers. These awards recognize the invaluable contributions of those who go beyond to improve our community. There are three award categories: Lifetime Achievement, Volunteer of the Year and Youth Volunteer. Eligibility: All Area A residents are eligible, but you cannot nominate yourself, deceased individuals, current elected officials, or paid service providers. For details on the individual awards criteria, please visit and click on “projects/initiatives” and click on “Volunteer Awards.” The awards will be presented at PHARA’s April 30 Town Hall meeting (more on this later). The deadline for nominations is March 31.
PHARA and the Rotary Club of Pender Harbour say they look forward to celebrating the incredible volunteers who make our community stronger!
Piano Heist, Sunday, March 30 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the School of Music. Lifelong friends and colleagues, Nico Rhodes and Patrick Courtin deliver everything from classical to bombastic boogie, embracing all musical genres on two keyboards and a synthesizer. What ensues is a mishmash of theatre, comedy, audience participation, heartfelt stories, a pinch of history and a world of musical madness. The 10:30 a.m. show is for the entire family. Tickets are $10 (children under age 12) and $15 adults. The 2 p.m. show is a full performance for all ages. Tickets $30. Tickets available at the hosts, Pender Harbour Music Society’s website.
The Pender Harbour Garden Club is thrilled to present our very own Sandy Matches of Kleindale, on Monday, March 31, at the School of Music 1 to 3 p.m. Proprietor of Handy Sandy Exterior Design, he has designed and installed gardens along the Sunshine Coast for over a decade. With a career in graphic design, Sandy also worked in Vancouver for a landscape designer. He has been a gardener since childhood including collecting specimen plants. Sandy will be presenting “Beds & Between” followed by a Q & A opportunity. PHGC Membership fees are $20 for a calendar year or $5 drop-in.
The Volunteer Income Tax Program is active offering all those that qualify free income tax preparation services until April 30. Drop off/pickup at community school and health centre. First come first serve. By appointment call Harry 604-741-5132.
Contact me with your news, events and information at [email protected].