The Beachcombers, Canada's longest-running dramatic TV production, is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. The show aired on CBC TV from 1972 to 1990 and was filmed in Gibsons, which brought the Sunshine Coast to the attention of the millions of families who tuned in every Sunday night to follow the heartwarming hijinx of a cast of characters that included Nick (Bruno Gerussi), Relic (Robert Clothier), Jesse (Pat John), Molly (Rae Brown) and Constable John Constable (Jackson Davies).
A new book about the series, Bruno and the Beach: The Beachcombers at 40 ($26.95, Harbour Publishing), is co-authored by one of the creators of the series, the late Marc Strange, and Davies. This lively, highly illustrated book features behind-the-scenes stories from cast and crew about their challenges, disasters and triumphs, and many photos from both on and off the set.
Bruno and the Beach will be launched with a series of Sunshine Coast events starting this weekend.
Davies will be appearing at Molly's Reach this Saturday, Nov. 17, from 2 to 4 p.m. for a book signing and meet and greet.
Davies will also give a presentation and book signing at the Gibsons Public Library next Sunday, Nov. 25, at 2 p.m. His presentation will feature a gag reel and footage from the show amongst other surprises. Other events and book signings, including one at Woods Showcase in Sunnycrest Mall, will follow closer to Christmas.
Harbour Publishing and the Sunshine Coast Bed & Breakfast, Cottage Owners Association are also celebrating the launch of the book with a province-wide contest to win a Beachcombers prize package, which includes a $350 gift certificate for accommodation (valid at more than 100 participating B&s on the Sunshine Coast), a gift certificate to Molly's Reach and a $100 B.C. Ferries Experience Card. Ballots are available at Bluewaters Books, Talewind Books, Coast Books and Woods Showcase on the Sunshine Coast.
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