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National Health and Fitness Day

Active Living

National Health and Fitness Day (NHFD) is an initiative to make Canada the Fittest Nation on Earth, starting with marking the first Saturday in June as the day when Canadians get out and get active.

This year, the event falls on Saturday, June 4.

Locally, the Sunshine Coast Regional District is recognizing Fitness Day with two for one admission to Coast recreation facilities: Gibsons & District Aquatic Facility, Gibsons & Area Community Centre, Sechelt Aquatic Centre and the Sunshine Coast Arena.

For more information, see or call 604-885-PLAY (7529).

Get active – have fun!

The Act reads:

Whereas the Parliament of Canada wishes to increase awareness among Canadians of the significant benefits of physical activity and to encourage Canadians to increase their level of physical activity and their participation in recreational sports and fitness activities;

Whereas it is in Canada’s interest to improve the health of all Canadians and to reduce the burden of illness on Canadian families and on the Canadian health care system;

Whereas many local governments in Canada have public facilities to promote the health and fitness of their citizens;

Whereas the Government of Canada wishes to encourage local governments to facilitate Canadians’ participation in healthy physical activities;

Whereas the Government of Canada wishes to encourage the country’s local governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and all Canadians to recognize the first Saturday in June as National Health and Fitness Day and to mark the day with local events and initiatives celebrating and promoting the importance and use of local health, recreational, sports and fitness facilities;

Whereas Canada’s mountains, oceans, lakes, forests, parks and wilderness also offer recreational and fitness opportunities;

Whereas Canadian Environment Week is observed throughout the country in early June, and walking and cycling are great ways to reduce vehicle pollution and improve physical fitness;

And whereas declaring the first Saturday in June to be National Health and Fitness Day will further encourage Canadians to participate in physical activities and contribute to their own health and well-being;

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows: National Health and Fitness Day Act.