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Learning to heal animals

Do you love animals and want to help them? The Self Realization Meditation Healing Centre in Halfmoon Bay is offering their popular animal healing course this weekend May 25 and 26.

Do you love animals and want to help them? The Self Realization Meditation Healing Centre in Halfmoon Bay is offering their popular animal healing course this weekend May 25 and 26.

This course is ideal for anyone who loves animals and wants to take their natural care a step deeper. Healing is a positive energy that surrounds all of life. Every one of us has the ability to connect to and bring through this life sustaining energy. Healing helps balance an animal's energies, stimulates their healing mechanism and is effective treatment for domestic, farm and wild animals. As animals are so sensitive, they respond readily to healing. Therefore, many conditions and problems can be helped through healing such as illness, disease, behavioral problems, and broken bones.

The course takes a holistic approach in exploring the reasons that animals become ill in the first place and looks at the interplay between man, animals and the world we live in. Students will have the opportunity to give healing to a number of domestic animals as well as visit Bette-Lyn Egger's petting Farm, Party Ponies and Farm Ventures in Roberts Creek where healing will be given to a variety of animals such as horses, goats, pigs, bunnies, and chickens.

The Centre is also looking for community members to bring their animals for a complimentary healing on either afternoon. If you are interested in learning more, please contact the Self Realization Meditation Healing Centre at 604-740-0898.

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