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Halfmoon Happenings: It’s nearly time for Tom the Turkey contest

Also, Neighbours helping Neighbours fundraising coming up

Gazing across the Strait of Georgia, my furry friend napping beside me, the fluorescent green tips of the small island in the bay gradually becoming visible as the tide recedes, I am reminded of my blessed life. As an added bonus, my son is here! We haven’t seen each other in four years!  I paced the airport arrivals area, searching the crowd, and then spotted him – the only person carrying an “emotional support pillow!” Our plans are laid-back – playing some golf, walking along the waterfront, throwing toys for Bruno to fetch. Making food, making conversation, and making plans for the future.

On to Happenings in Halfmoon Bay…

This from Wendy White, community school coordinator. “It’s back to business at Halfmoon Bay Community School! ‘Wendy’s Drive Thru’ Breakfast Program needs volunteers. If you have one hour to spare once a week, please consider joining our team! It is also time for our annual ‘Tom the Turkey’ contest where kids and their families disguise Tom the Turkey to keep him safe during the Thanksgiving season, for a chance to win a Thanksgiving dinner turkey. Community support has been amazing over the years.” If you would like to sponsor a family turkey or volunteer to help with their breakfast program, please contact Wendy at [email protected].

The Halfmoon Bay Community Association will be running its food program fundraiser, Neighbours Helping Neighbours, beginning in November. Last year’s $12,000 goal was met and the same result is hoped for this year. We live in difficult economic times, and for those who are less financially secure it is an even greater struggle. Watch this space for information on the November launch.

Michelle of the Halfmoon Bay Nursery has informed me that she must cancel the Fall Equinox Market that was planned for Sept. 22.  Some personal obstacles have prevented her from pulling this fall event together. I think we can look forward to a Christmas market though – the one last year was a great success and featured many talented Halfmoon Bay artisans and vendors.

The HBCA extends an enormous thank you to everyone who made the 2023 summer event season an overwhelming success. There are too many to mention here; you can find a complete list on the HBCA website Due to sponsorships, a grant from the BC government, and profits from event sales, the HBCA has a substantial balance in their Community Initiatives Program (fundraising) account. They are looking to you to help identify community projects and organizations that could benefit from a donation. Send your suggestions to [email protected]. And last but absolutely not least, gratitude is extended to all the volunteers, from field crews to ticket sales, from traffic “cops” to garbage picker-uppers – the HBCA will be holding a volunteer appreciation dinner, details coming soon.

If you have a topic, a community event, or a story you would like to share, contact me at [email protected].