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Halfmoon Happenings: A hello and a thank you

Hello, Sunshine Coast! I’m Carly, a long-time Halfmoon Bay resident, mom, wife, and chicken-wrangling gardener who always seems to put too much on my plate!
Halfmoon Bay

Hello, Sunshine Coast! I’m Carly, a long-time Halfmoon Bay resident, mom, wife, and chicken-wrangling gardener who always seems to put too much on my plate! But what’s life without a little chaos, right? I’m thrilled to add the title of “Halfmoon Bay Community Columnist” to my list of roles and be a voice for this vibrant community. 

First and foremost, a big thank you to Linda McMahon for her dedication to this column and our community. During our first introductory meeting two weeks ago, I learned she had only lived in Halfmoon Bay for four years. She has become such a recognizable name in her relatively short time here, embarking on countless volunteer positions and spearheading others. Linda, your contributions have been invaluable, and we are deeply appreciative of everything you’ve done and continue to do. We wish you all the best in your next chapter.  

What’s Happening in Halfmoon Bay? 

• The 3rd Annual Pottery Prowl, hosted by HMB’s Marilyn Downey and Naomi Brand of Huckleberry Studios, is happening this weekend, July 6 and 7, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visit 15 pottery studios with 20 participating potters from Langdale to Earls Cove. You’ll have a chance to meet the potters, learn about the techniques used in working with clay, browse the finished work, and purchase unique pieces along the way. Signs and posters will be up to help with directions. 

• The Rockwater Resort in Secret Cove has a beautiful new restaurant, Tubird, inspired by old-world food and drinks — think fancy comfort food!  Check out their incredible menu and make a reservation at 

If you told me 20+ years ago that I’d be the new voice of this column, I never would have believed you. Likely because I never would have anticipated that I’d be raising my kids in the same community I grew up in, although now, I can’t think of a better place to be a kid. 

The cul-de-sac we currently live on in Welcome Woods is a testament to the safety and trust that our community fosters. I often joke, “It’s like the ‘50s ‘round here.” Or at least what I’d imagine growing up in my parents’ decades would have been like, minus the texting. There are a handful of families within yelling distance who all have kids of similar ages who bounce from house to house, surfacing only when hungry or needing a hug or a Band-Aid. Our street’s group chat consists of parents’ texting messages like, “If my kid is there, can you send them home for dinner?” This level of freedom for parents and kids alike is a luxury that isn’t as typical nowadays, and I try to remind myself of this when I feel we’re “missing out” on city amenities. Peace of mind is priceless, truly making this a special place to live! 

My intention for this column is to highlight events and accomplishments in our community that apply to the range of demographics that live here. (I’ll leave the political and controversial topics for the paid journalists, i.e., Coopers Green Hall!) 

Linda has compiled a detailed spreadsheet of annual recurring events, but if you want to confirm, have questions, or have an event or news that you’d like me to share, I’d be happy to hear from you. Please get in touch with me at [email protected]