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Good Birding: Honouring two giants of the Sunshine Coast Natural History Society

Also, thousands of thrush arrive because of recent snows
Saluting Barry Janyk and Russ Tkachuk’s contribution to natural history on the Sunshine Coast.

Beginning in 1979, the main avenue of communication between members of the local birding community was the Sunshine Coast Natural History Society. More recently, birders can report their own sightings, and to see the daily reports of others, at e-bird. Also, the website [email protected] allows the reporting and discussion of anything to do with birds. The online site, i-naturalist, is a global database for reporting and recording all natural history topics, including botany. There are other local social media groups covering birds and natural history. 

So, there is a wide range of options available today to report, record, and interact with other naturalists. Back in 1979, the Sechelt Marsh Protective Society was founded partly to administer the newly created bird sanctuary at the Sechelt Marsh, but also as a club for birders and naturalists. The name was later updated to the Sunshine Coast Natural History Society to better reflect its wider concerns and membership.   

Two of the giants in the 46 year history of the society recently passed away in a six week period: Barry Janyk, widely known for his 10-year term as mayor of Gibsons, and Russ Tkachuk who served on the Sechelt Arts Council and Eldercollege boards. 

Barry was a founding father of the Natural History Society and was instrumental in starting the society’s monthly meeting program, with the first presentation in October 1979. It continues today. Barry was an enthusiastic volunteer and organizer, always present at work parties, and he generated the first grants to update the trails and facilities at the Marsh. Barry was a bird-lover throughout his life, participating in Christmas Bird Counts, breeding bird surveys, and always maintaining a bird feeder. Barry was also a tireless advocate in the creation of Tetrahedron Provincial Park. 

Russ Tkachuk and wife Jean retired to the Sunshine Coast in 1994. Russ spent his working life as a chemist with the Canadian Grain Commission in Winnipeg. Russ was a leading birder in Manitoba and was a welcome addition to the small Sunshine Coast birding community. He joined the Natural History Society and served on its board where he became the program director. Over many years Russ researched speakers for the monthly meetings and eventually organized about 150 presentations. An incredible achievement that was appreciated and applauded by the membership. Russ was especially delighted when he finally found a presenter on jumping spiders. 

We salute Barry and Russ’s contribution to natural history on the Sunshine Coast. They were shining examples of volunteerism and commitment. 

Winter arrived late this year, and despite the current snow and ice, spring is imminent, with house finches now singing enthusiastically. The most obvious result of the recent snow was the arrival at sea-level of thousands of varied thrushes. These birds are ground-feeders that winter in the mountains, but whenever there is deep snow in the mountains, they descend to sea level. 

To report your sightings or questions contact me at [email protected] or 604-885-5539. Good Birding