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Elphinstone Chronicles

We’re reprinting this photo of the SCRD board taken in early 1976 since we can fill in the names of everyone but two: Standing, from left: John McNevin, Area F; Barry Pearson, Area C; Jim Metzler, Gibsons; Ann Presley, secretary-treasurer; Peter Hoemberg, Area D; and the last two on the right must have represented Areas A and B (over to you Garry Nohr and Frank Mauro). Seated are Norm Watson, Village of Sechelt (left); and Frank West, Area E.

The Woodcreek Park Neighbourhood Association “magicked itself into existence in my living room,” Claire Finlayson told me recently. She and Sandy Cunningham were independently trying to do something about a pedestrian crosswalk, when another Woodcreeker, Brenda who works in the Copy Shop, hooked them up and they decided to call apt meeting. Enter Clint Budd, president of the Elphinstone Community Association, who, on the day of the meeting, arrived at the Copy Shop to print up the ECA petition addressing highway speed and crosswalks at both Poplars Mobile Home Park and Woodcreek Park. As Claire puts it: “The burghers of Woodcreek have been walking the petition around the neighbourhood,” coincidentally running into another neighbour, who had taken it upon herself to create a Woodcreek Park Neighbourhood newsletter. This is a neighbourhood association that was meant to be!

Having been part of numerous organizations over my life, I realize what a boon it is when “a fully-formed executive” emerges serendipitously. Another new neighbourhood association is now starting up at the Poplars Mobile Home Park and along with the neighbours group that has been meeting in response to saving Reed Road Forest, that’s three new neighbourhood associations that have sprung up in Elphinstone in just a few months.

Sandra Russell wrote asking about the history of road names in Elphinstone. When she was young, Henry Road was Cannery Road because of the jam cannery there. She writes: “Who was Henry? His ghost was seen floating down Chaster Creek.” (Now there’s a legend for you!) I’ve heard that Veterans was named after five-acre parcels that were given to returning veterans from the war. Hough Road was named after a large farm in the area, and Gower Point was named by Captain Vancouver when he visited our Coast. If anyone has information about the history of our road names, or if you have Elphinstone news to report, let me know at [email protected] before 5 p.m. on Sunday.

MLA Nicholas Simons regrets that he cannot speak to the Elphinstone Community Association at its June meeting due to commitments in Victoria. The executive is arranging for another speaker, and all are welcome: Frank West Hall at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, June 13. This will be the last meeting until September.