In the 21st century, our knowledge of the developing brain has increased enormously. And yet, in schools and in how we train teachers, this new understanding is largely unknown and ignored. Particularly in the development of social skills and emotional health, there are still some classrooms today that look much as they did half a century ago: seriously behind the times.
Educator Mike McKay is the speaker at Sunshine Coast ElderCollege’s annual Clifford Smith Memorial Lecture: “When will what we know change how we educate our children?”
The free lecture, sponsored by the Sunshine Coast Credit Union and School District No. 46, is open to everyone.
McKay’s belief in “every child, every chance, every day,” comes from a passion about the difference that can be made through quality early childhood education. In addition to sharing the learning that emerges through the intersection of neuroscience and social-emotional health, McKay is also active nationally and internationally as a resource person on system improvement, early childhood and school culture and capacity building for individuals and groups.
McKay retired in 2013, after 35 years as an influential educational leader throughout the province. He now serves as a consultant, speaker and director of the Canadian Self-Regulation Initiative (see, focused on creating environments where children thrive.
The lecture is set for Saturday, Sept. 22 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Chatelech Secondary School, 5904 Cowrie St., Sechelt.
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