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Coast reads set to launch

The first year of the Coast Reads program was a huge success with the community including students, teachers, parents, grandparents and public library patrons participated in this new literacy initiative.

The first year of the Coast Reads program was a huge success with the community including students, teachers, parents, grandparents and public library patrons participated in this new literacy initiative.

Year two of the Coast Reads program will officially begin this Monday, Oct. 28, which coincides with Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) Day.

In the first year of Coast Reads, elementary students read three books: Camp Wild, Word Nerd and Trickster. The students then voted on-line for their favourite title and the winner was: Word Nerd by Susin Nielsen.

Nielsen paid the students a visit and delighted them with her talk about her books and the writing process.

The Gibsons Public Library was also a venue for a presentation Nielsen.

Secondary school students read a selection of five books: Pain & Wastings, Room, Crescent Star, Indian Horse and The Hunt of the Unicorn.

The on-line vote resulted in a clear winner - Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese. Secondary students were very fortunate to enjoy school presentations by Wagamese and also the author of The Hunt of the Unicorn, C.C. Humphreys, also chatted with fans during a visit to the Sechelt Public Library.

Nielsen will be at Cedar Grove Elementary, Elphintone Secondary and Chatelech Secondary schools next Tuesday, Oct. 29 to help kick off year two of the Coast Reads project.

There are many exciting new titles this year, including a classic novel that some of you older readers might recall from your childhood. There is a Coast Cable TV special about Coast Reads airing this week.

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