The Rotary Club of the Sunshine Coast celebrated National Volunteer Week last Saturday with their second annual Volunteer Fair.
More than 40 exhibits displayed their diverse organizations, from environmental initiatives, healthcare, animal welfare, public safety, and Scouts and Guides. Several arts groups attended, along with Habitat for Humanity, the Lions Club and, of course, Rotary Clubs.
MP Patrick Weiler and District of Sechelt Mayor John Henderson dropped by to visit the exhibits and say a few words of thanks to all the volunteers in attendance. They spoke briefly about the importance of volunteering in the community.
Mayor Henderson challenged the volunteer associations to identify what their organizations could benefit from having access to. Perhaps a membership database and billing system or templates for newsletters might be helpful in their operations.
The Rotary Club of the Sunshine Coast had a 50/50 fundraiser that netted $702 and will be used toward their youth programs. Other fundraisers on site included a Scouts Canada Krispee Kreme Donut fundraiser, which sold 60 dozen donuts, raising $475 towards their upcoming jamboree in South Korea.
The Rotary Interactors of Chatelech Secondary School volunteered by serving refreshments outside with barbequed hot dogs, veggie dogs and EB’s ice cream. They raised over $780 to be donated to Milos Pospisil, a resident of Gibsons who is delivering much-needed supplies to the front lines in Ukraine.
Even though it was a rainy Earth Day, the Volunteer Fair was quite a success. The Rotary Club of the Sunshine Coast would like to thank the Sunshine Coast Credit Union, which sponsored this event, for its generous support.
For more photos of the event, go to the Sunshine Coast Rotary Facebook page: