Up your gardening pleasure when plant expert Brian Minter speaks at the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden on Thursday, Oct. 23 at 5:30 p.m.
For decades this broadcaster, author and hands-on horticulturist has coached and inspired B.C. gardeners, sharing his infectious love for growing healthy plants.
As Minter’s topic is Winter Gardens, you can expect to learn ways to incorporate plants whose beauty shines into your own winter garden. He’ll also touch on some of the best plants newly available for 2015.
Tickets are $25, with a $5 discount for Botanical Garden members — just one more reason to become a member. You’ll find tickets at local garden centres, Sechelt Visitor Centre and at the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden, located at 5941 Mason Road, in West Sechelt. For more information, visit www.coastbotanicalgarden.org