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Botanist to show riches of Oregon

Sunday morning, Oct. 28, photographer/botanist Daniel Mosquin will present The Four Corners of Oregon, with photos, stories and information about the flowers, shrubs, trees and varied natural regions of the U.S.

Sunday morning, Oct. 28, photographer/botanist Daniel Mosquin will present The Four Corners of Oregon, with photos, stories and information about the flowers, shrubs, trees and varied natural regions of the U.S. state, at the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden's annual Trees are Terrific festival.

Mosquin is an internationally known plantsman and creator of the University of British Columbia's Botany Photo of the Day website ( an outstanding resource about plants of the world.

Mosquin is an accomplished photographer and intrepid traveller, seeking to document the natural beauty of plants. In recent trips to Oregon, he connected with local naturalists to find and record the rarest and most lovely species in his lens. Oregon's Siskiyou Mountains are considered one of the world's hotspots for alpine treasures, often accessible on easy walks, others more challenging to see in the wild. Many of these plants are suitable for Sunshine Coast gardens.

This is an excellent time of year to tour the Garden to view the quaking aspens, maple and birch trees in their rich autumn hues, and the winter vegetables in the vegetable garden. Sponsorship by Sunshine Coast Credit Union helps the Botanical Garden maintain daily open hours of 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. throughout the fall, winter and spring seasons.

Mosquin's talk begins at 11 a.m. at the Sparling Pavilion in the Botanical Garden, 5941 Mason Rd. in West Sechelt.

Before and after the talk, plants will be available for sale. A homemade lunch of seasonal soup, bread and sweets will be available for sale afterwards, and Brian Romer's recent Oregon paintings will be on display.

Tickets are available at nurseries, Sechelt Visitor Centre, and on-line at

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