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A DIY detox

By the third week of January, even the most resolution-adverse among us typically raise our heads from post-holiday hibernation and realize wed better get with the program any program to detoxify from winter debauchery and excess.

By the third week of January, even the most resolution-adverse among us typically raise our heads from post-holiday hibernation and realize wed better get with the program any program to detoxify from winter debauchery and excess.

Here's hoping for a healthier, happier and infinitely more attractive version of ourselves for the 49 remaining weeks of 2014.

It's a tempting time to panic, grab a credit card and on-line shopping cart and try to buy our way to bliss. But even the sexiest new workout pants, gentlest herbal cleanse kit, and most promising abdominal fitness contraption rarely delivers anything but buyer's remorse and resolution regret.

Instead of taking the usual approach, why not try a DIY seasonal detox of a behavioural variety? A cleanse that you can customize to suit your lifestyle. Here's a pick n' choose tactical menu designed to set you on a lighter, more satisfying path leading into spring. And bonus, it won't cost you anything.

First, identify and let go of any toxic people gumming up your karmic rolodex. This includes, but is not limited to, friends who no longer get you, lovers who disrespect you, and clients with bad attitude. You know who they are and there is no time to waste. We are all under the steady influence of those in our daily inner circle, so make room for people who bring you joy. Identify the misfits and plan to cut loose from them once and for all and well before Valentine's Day.

Next, consider taking a digital sabbatical. It used to be that we were glued to the television, now it's mostly the Internet that highjacks our inner space and attention. So, if you don't remember a day without Facebook, Netflix, Gmail, Instagram and YouTube, it may be high time to close your laptop and silence your devices. Taking a break from emailing, texting, uploading, posting and messaging, releases time to engage in more tangible pursuits such as reading, playing and art making. Miss your digital friends? Try meeting people in real time, having an actual conversation and giving them a genuine smile.

Rather than adopting the latest fad diet or going on a reductive cleanse, consider adding healthier options to your daily intake of food and drink. You will feel less deprived, more satisfied and empowered if you add, rather than abstain. By embracing healthier choices your overall wellness will improve, which is much more sustainable than up and down weight loss caused by yo-yo dieting. What to add? Try more whole unprocessed foods such as whole grains, raw nuts, local fruits and vegetables. Choose to drink herbal, green and rooibos teas and lightly flavoured sparkling waters liberally and you'll have less of a thirst for highly sweetened, juices, beverages and spirits.

Finally, consider a mental cleanse by learning how to meditate for a short time each day. Release your mind's grip on obsessive thoughts, negativity and worry by learning simple breathing and meditation skills. Meditation books and tapes are readily available for free at the local library. To get you started, begin with this simple tip for a cleansing breathe. Breathe in long and deeply while counting to eight and then release and exhale for a count of three. Repeat whenever you are feeling stressed.