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Kisses & kicks: Kisses for crime reports, kicks for not removing items from top of Nickerson Road

Here are the good deeds (and not so good deeds) that happened in our Coast community this week!
Kisses & Kicks
Kisses & Kicks

Here are your kicks and kisses for the week of Aug. 30! 

To Paul, truly a godsend and to Kevin, the Won Hour Wonder, you understand the word "help." In fact no amount of "thank you's" is enough!

Kisses to the Pickle Boys for sharing their silliness with the Coasters car parade participants.

Biggest thankful hugs to Nicole for picking me up off the pavement at Independent Grocers on July 30 after I fell on my face. Plus another lady who came to my rescue. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Kisses to Sandra Thomas for the great reports on crime on the Coast.

Kicks to the people who put their free items out on the top of Nickerson Road and then leave them there when no one has taken them. 

High fives to everyone who comes out to line the streets for the annual Sleepy Hollow Rod Run. This is the best rod run hands down anywhere!

Kicks to all the people who try to encourage burnouts along the Sleepy Hollow Rod Run route. It only takes one mistake and this event will be cancelled forever! Not to mention any vehicle caught doing a burnout is banned.

Kisses to Town of Gibsons for the "Music in the Landing" series showcasing a variety  of our best local talent. Something for every musical preference.  Hope it continues for many years!

Kicks to the person who let their dog turd on my towel at bonnie brook! Tsk tsk

Kisses to The Butcher, (Gibsons),  Henry the Corn Man, Elphinstone U-pick Blueberries, Richard Hoath & Helen Macham who all made donations of to the Aug.14 Community Hot Lunch at St. Bart’s!  We are so grateful for such great community support!

Kisses to the driver of the D&D Trucking, dump truck in Madeira Park, for going slowly when coming and going from your home and not sending a cloud of dust onto our trailers next door. It is very much appreciated. 

Kisses to the workers at Sechelt Post Office on Inlet Ave, especially Christian, the Postmaster. All were so kind as they tracked my “lost” package.  At the end of the day, I was embarrassed to find the “lost” package on my bedroom bureau. I realized that I had forgot it was delivered several days prior. Thank you Christian; you were so kind when I confessed my memory lapse. 

Kisses to Christine at Coast Reporter for her patience and assistance in helping a computer illiterate reader access a past edition online. You made my day!

Kisses and bear hugs to BC Conservation Officers Murray and Riley for their quick response to a hungry mama bear and her three cubs. Officers Murray and Riley handled a difficult situation in an extremely caring and humane manner. Thankfully mama and cubs are now safely relocated deep in B.C.'s wilderness playground.

202 grateful kisses to our FANTABULOUS hospital staff! Especially Dr. Carol, nurses MacKenzie, Becca, Ashley & cleaner Edward. We are so blessed to have you all!

Giant kisses to salesperson, Claire, working in the cell phone department at London Drugs.

You went beyond the call of duty to help this non-techy senior with her new cell phone that needed to be activated when this same clumsy senior broke her old one! You were a godsend! Thank you!

Many kisses to the customer service dept personnel at Independent Grocery Store or for their honesty and quick action on locating my wallet. It’s nice to see integrity still flourishes in our community.

Kisses to the staff at Silverstone (Marianne, Karen, Cindy, Christabelle, John, Darian and Dr. Bani) for the loving care and support for our late partner/father, Michael Siddall.

Kisses to Diane at the Canada Post outlet in lower Gibsons. Your kind assistance (re: my son’s birthday card) was very much appreciated!

Kicks to those who are soft on crime. Traumatized victims of stolen or damaged property are the ones that need help and compassion. We're living in a world where logic is illogical and illogical is logic.

Heartfelt kisses and big bear hugs to Frances Nahanee of Tsain-Ko Native Giftshop for your kindness, knowledge, and outstanding customer service (always). The pure energy and intention behind this beautiful pendant by Indigenous Artist Joe Descoteaux is one that I will cherish forever. Many thanks, K.

Kisses to the staff at the Dollar Tree for finding my wallet and putting in the effort to find my information on social media so I got it back quickly! Thank you!

Kisses to the incredibly observant drivers who stopped both ways on Highway 101 outside GBS for the coyote, who was courteously waiting for a chance to cross.  Everyone was so very polite, helpful, allowing the coyote crossed without mishap.

Bunches of kisses to Marisa, students in the office, volunteers and authors of the 2024 Festival of the Written Arts. It was a wonderful and successful four days ending with a thunder and lightning storm, but the show went on!

Email your Kisses and Kicks to [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is 1 p.m. every Tuesday for a given week.

Coast Reporter will run kisses and kicks entries as space permits on a first-received, first-published basis.

Submissions must be accompanied by a name and phone number for confirmation by the editor. Names will not be printed in the column unless requested by the writer, for kisses only.

A kick is intended to be an anonymous critique between private parties and may in no way publicly identify an individual, group or business directly or indirectly.

Submissions must be no longer than 30 words. If your thanks or critique is longer, consider an ad in our classified section. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to run any submission.