Here are your kisses and kicks for the week of March 7!
- Kisses to all the coaches at GM/Big Riggs fitness for building such a stellar community and being such an integral part of so many folks’ mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. You make the Coast a better place in so many ways. We are so grateful for you! Xo
- 300 and more kisses for the woman and her two young daughters who found a small purse in the St. John’s at Davis Bay parking lot and brought it into the church office. The cash was on its way to be deposited in the credit union and the owner was nearly beside herself. Many thanks and blessings.
- Kisses to the young girl at Chatelech Secondary School (Calla?) who found our errant dog Lucas and called us. Good girl, bad dog!
- Kisses to Christine for driving my dog and me home from Davis Bay. I don’t know what I would have done without your help.
- Many thanks to Ruth and Helen for all the rides to Tai Chi class over the years.
- Kicks to people who drive along Gower Point Road and let their dogs bark aggressively through their open windows when they pass pedestrians who are walking dogs. Keep your windows closed and be respectful of other people’s safety and heart rate!
- Kisses to drivers ignorant of maximum speed limits in Sandy Hook, 30k, Inlet Road, 50k. Practice safety as the person we maim could be our own loved one!
- Bucket loads of kisses to everyone who shopped at Boutique in the Creek in February to support heart month. Your purchases helped us send a nice donation to the Children’s Heart Network to help kids with heart challenges and their families. XX
- Kisses to everyone who took part in the Polar Plunge fundraiser for Special Olympics Sunshine Coast. Cheers to SCACL and the RCMP for their support. And big thanks to Sandra Thomas for covering the event for the Coast Reporter.
- Kisses to all the generous donors who helped me to top my fundraising goal from last year. Your support means the world.
- Big hugs and kisses to the very kind person who turned in my lost hat at Gibsons Public Market. I knew where I had left it in the market but I didn’t want to miss the bus. So I just hoped some kind person would turn it in. And you did! Thank you!
- Thanks to London Drugs manager Claire for her Herculean efforts in getting our CDs ordered and mailed! Super appreciative!
- Kisses to my Tides Team for all their help and encouragement to reach my goals. You’re the best!
Email your Kisses and Kicks to [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is 1 p.m. every Tuesday for a given week.
Coast Reporter will run kisses and kicks entries as space permits on a first-received, first-published basis.
Submissions must be accompanied by a name and phone number for confirmation by the editor. Names will not be printed in the column unless requested by the writer, for kisses only.
A kick is intended to be an anonymous critique between private parties and may in no way publicly identify an individual, group or business directly or indirectly.
Submissions must be no longer than 30 words. If your thanks or critique is longer, consider an ad in our classified section. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to run any submission.