Here are your kicks and kisses for the week of January 24!
- Kicks and more kicks, to the many businesses that fail to clearly list an address and phone number, on Google, etc. making it much more difficult and time consuming to use their services!
- Kisses to Lisa at Mark’s Work Warehouse in Sechelt. It was Dec. 27 and the store’s Boxing Day sale was on, so the store was busy. We had a grandson visiting who wanted to go swimming, but hadn’t packed his trunks. Lisa rooted around the backroom until she found a pair in his size. Lisa saved the day.
- Kisses to the butcher at SuperValu in Gibsons with all the tattoos. Outstanding customer service and wow what a difference since he has been there. Well-done young man.
- Kisses and hugs of gratitude to Dr. Phillips and the Sechelt Hospital emergency nurses and staff for such timely, kind and excellent care on New Year’s … and who also provided me with lovely warm blankets while I waited for my CT results. We are blessed to have such well trained and caring people working at our hospital.
- Kisses to Eddie (?) near Central Avenue in Gibsons. Many heartfelt kisses to you for your kindness and quick thinking in helping my husband when he was in a serious car crash on Boxing Day. Your actions helped him be calm and allowed for his family to get to the scene quickly. We appreciate you so, so much.
- Kisses to all of the first responders who attended the serious head-on collision on Boxing Day on Marine Drive. Special thanks to the kind paramedics who cared for my husband in the ambulance and at the emergency department at Sechelt Hospital. We appreciate you tremendously.
- Kicks to whomever thinks that it’s OK for elementary school kids and their parents to dash across the highway to catch a school bus. If we are going to have this ridiculous highway forever despite our new MLA’s exalted position as cabinet minister, how about painting some lines on the road and put up some crosswalk signs? Seems like a simple solution to save some lives.
- Kisses to our Reporter for being here for us, in gales and tornadoes, every week! We’re so grateful to you all, especially to Robbie and his faithful delivery crews.
- Kisses to Sechelt Hospital! Huge grateful thank yous to all our doctors and nurses for the many years of giving such great service.
- Kisses to the community-minded person who improved the Henderson Road beach parking with gravel and hard work.
Email your Kisses and Kicks to [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is 1 p.m. every Tuesday for a given week.
Coast Reporter will run kisses and kicks entries as space permits on a first-received, first-published basis.
Submissions must be accompanied by a name and phone number for confirmation by the editor. Names will not be printed in the column unless requested by the writer, for kisses only.
A kick is intended to be an anonymous critique between private parties and may in no way publicly identify an individual, group or business directly or indirectly.
Submissions must be no longer than 30 words. If your thanks or critique is longer, consider an ad in our classified section. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to run any submission.