Here are your kicks and kisses for the week of February 7!
- Much appreciation to paramedics Pete and Mark on North Road Gibsons for helping a cyclist and loading their bike –– you’re all blessings at the station on our beautiful Coast.
- Big kisses to all the thoughtful people who salted the walks in front of their homes on frosty mornings. You made all us walkers feel much safer.
- Kisses to all the Sechelt staff who plant such gorgeous outdoor planters and garden displays. Also for taking such good care and maintenance of them. You make us all proud!
- Kisses to Driftwood Theatre School production of The Brave Little Tailor. The cast, tech staff, and Heritage volunteers gave a joyous occasion to all who were courageous enough to experience live theatre.
- Big hugs and kisses to the kind and thoughtful person who handed in my wayward earing at McDonalds in Sechelt. Coastal folks are so thoughtful.
- Kisses to B&K Gardens for their generous and warm-hearted donation to St Bart’s Food Bank of veggies seeds enough to nourish many clients through 2025!
- Kicks and then more kicks to the female driver in a black SUV who was turning left onto Gibsons Way at the intersection by A&W and Blackfish Pub Jan. 22. Two pedestrians were in the crosswalk with the pedestrian sign lit up when you sped by in front of them.
- Kicks to drivers who don’t pay attention to people in crosswalks. Look left and right before you proceed with your turn. Three separate times in a manner of 20 minutes a vehicle could have hit us in crosswalks in Gibsons when the pedestrian sign was on. If you drive, pay attention!
- Dec. 23, at the IGA mall in Gibsons, a very kind elf left an anonymous Christmas card under my car’s windshield wiper with meaningful wishes and $50. Please know it was a surprise, a wonderful reaffirmation of our community’s incredible people. Please know that we matched you $50 dollars and gave it to our local food bank. We paid it forward.
- Hugs to all the staff at IDA pharmacy, your friendly greeting and professional attitude are much appreciated, plus a special shout for filling my prescription during stock taking.
- Thanks and a big hug to Erin(?) at Sechelt Hospital for all your help and concern in helping me to get tests done when the lab was closed on Thursday, your advice saved me from wasting a whole day.
- Kicks to the egotist ruining Friday Night Fun League curling. Take your broom, booze and attitude and get off the ice.
- Kisses to all the hard-working volunteers who have made the Camp Byng disc golf course a beautiful Coast gem! And thanks to the Boy Scouts of Canada for hosting.
- Kisses to Sechelt Hospital, the nurses who were so professional, Dr Sara Wage and Dr Erin Board and all the rest of the staff. Because of your efforts we were able to continue with our booked trip to N.Z., where we should be when you read this. Thanks times two.
- Kisses to all the kind staff at Sechelt Hospital whom I encountered leading up to and during my Jan. 24 surgery: pre-op nurse and anesthesiologist, the friendly person at admissions, Emily, the recovery nurse, Dr. Menezes, the hospital team and security staff for finding my wife’s wallet.
- Kisses to the kind and thoughtful person who found my wallet and brought it to the manager’s counter of the Gibson’s IGA. After hours of anxious searching I returned to the IGA. The manager smiled, asked my name, and produced my wallet. I am filled with gratitude!
- Huge kicks to the rude driver who A. Can’t drive to save his life B. Is opposed to using his blinkers C. Calls women the “C” word for correcting his actions because of his fragile masculinity.
- Careless kicks to drivers who consistently cut curves. People walk on the white line to your right. Other drivers speed towards you on the yellow to your left. Stay between the lines and everyone stays safe
- Kisses to anyone feeling a bit down lately. I’ll throw in a big hug for good measure.
- Belated kisses to the shishalh Nation for the beautiful “Our House of Clans” apartment building. It’s wonderful to see your commitment to housing and to fine design for our community.
- Thank you to the Coast Reporter for having this section in the paper for us to present our opinions to our wonderful little town. We have signed up for weekly support for your paper today.
- Kisses to Peter at the Gibsons IGA for purchasing and placing Canadian Flag stickers on the shelf and price tags on Canadian products. Time to step up and buy Canadian.
- Kisses to all Canadians, standing together!
- Kisses to any stores marking products to help consumers buy Canadian.
- Kisses to the Sunshine Coast Community for supporting the annual Tetrahedron Outdoor Club fundraiser. Your support of the Banff Mountain Film Festival year after year is greatly appreciated. We love all your community spirit.
- Huge kisses to Ryan (Coastal Rides) and Tamara for going above and beyond to help me get my little toddler home from daycare –– including four unexpected hours at Tim’s (thanks to the lovely staff there) and shopping for milk for bottles/entertainment and of course emergency diapers! You are the epitome of community and kindness.
- Huge kisses to the strong and kind souls who helped extract my car from the seawall parking lot this last snowy Tuesday: Trevor and Joseph of shíshálh’s maintenance team, kind lady with Sheltie, regular dude who left for a shovel before I could thank him.
Email your Kisses and Kicks to [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is 1 p.m. every Tuesday for a given week.
Coast Reporter will run kisses and kicks entries as space permits on a first-received, first-published basis.
Submissions must be accompanied by a name and phone number for confirmation by the editor. Names will not be printed in the column unless requested by the writer, for kisses only.
A kick is intended to be an anonymous critique between private parties and may in no way publicly identify an individual, group or business directly or indirectly.
Submissions must be no longer than 30 words. If your thanks or critique is longer, consider an ad in our classified section. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to run any submission.