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No annual door-to-door Girl Guide cookies this year

British Columbians can purchase cookies from London Drugs stores and online.
Girl Guide cookies will now be available in British Columbia London Drugs locations to support the fundraising efforts of Girl Guides of Canada.

The Girl Guides of Canada’s beloved annual door-to-door sales of cookies have been cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions, but they can still be bought in other ways.

Richmond-based London Drugs is offering shelf space to sell the Girl Guide classic chocolate and vanilla sandwich cookies at all of its stores in B.C., including Ironwood Plaza, and online from their website.

According to London Drugs in a media statement, the cookie fundraiser is the largest fundraising support for the Girl Guides program across B.C.

The fundraiser is estimated to bring in over $600,000 through the sales of 120,000 boxes of cookies, and 100 per cent of all the funds will go back to supporting the Girl Guides program.

The program will then be able to support newly adopted initiatives to safe outdoor, virtual and at-home activities as well as inclusion resources and membership subsidies for girls with financial need.

“Girl Guides teach adaptability and preparedness to handle unexpected situations with a sense of confidence and self-assuredness,” said Clint Mahlman, London Drugs President and Chief Operating Officer, adding that the “same principles have been critically important” for everyone in the past year.

 “Whether you have close ties to the Girl Guides in your own family or not, by purchasing a box of cookies, you are helping build resiliency and future leaders in your community.”

Diamond Isinger, provincial commissioner for B.C., Girl Guides of Canada, said they are grateful for the support from London Drugs and fellow British Columbians.

“Our non-profit Guiding programs are fully volunteer-powered and rely on amazing support from our communities."