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Candidate joins Sechelt ‘slate’ as one drops out

Election 2018
Tony Lobb and his family were part of Coast Reporter’s 2018 Canada Day feature. Lobb announced this week he’s running for Sechelt council

Business owner Tony Lobb is the latest candidate to join Tomorrow’s Sechelt, a group of candidates who’ve referred to themselves as a “loose slate,” and one of the original trio has dropped out.

Lobb, 56, moved to Sechelt seven years ago and owns Noah’s Water in partnership with his wife Rachel.

“I speak to many people throughout my day and the consensus is, people are ready for a change. I share the same views as a lot of the folks in Sechelt. We want a resolution to our water crisis, affordable housing so that our kids have somewhere to live, and a more vibrant Sechelt.”

Lobb also said in his announcement that being “of an ‘advanced’ age,” but having a young family with three school-aged children and a baby on the way puts him “in the unique position of being able to relate to both the older adult and the young family demographics.”

“The stalemate needs to end. I want to be a voice for the people of Sechelt and work towards achieving Sechelt’s great potential.”

Donna Bell, meanwhile, told Coast Reporter this week that she has decided not to go forward with her candidacy. 

Bell was one of the original Tomorrow’s Sechelt candidates.

She said after returning from a recent trip to Italy with Dragons Abreast for the International Breast Cancer Regatta she reconsidered her candidacy.

“I had a number of experiences that made me think about my life. The most profound being losing three people that were signed up to join us in Florence but lost their battle to cancer,” said Bell.

“This community means a great deal to me and this is why I was so driven to run for council. I feel, however, I can still be a big part of the community by volunteering and giving back in other ways and remain integral to what matters to me most at this point in my life – my health, my family and time freedom.”

Tomorrow’s Sechelt has set up a website for information about the candidates and the issues it wants to highlight at