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Sunshine Coast Healthcare Auxiliary Thrift Store can only take donations during opening hours

Otherwise, there’s a garbage problem
C. Thift Store junk a
Donated Items left outside the SCHA Thrift Store gate.

To those donating to thrift stores: your local Sunshine Coast Healthcare Auxiliary Thrift Store needs your help. 

Please do not leave donations outside the thrift store when it is not open. These donations will be rifled through and scattered all over or taken totally away and left somewhere else. If they get wet, they are garbage. Thrift stores do not have the capacity to wash and/or dry your donations.  

Sadly, the SCHA Thrift Store donation bins have been closed because they have been vandalized beyond repair. If you are working and unable to get to the store during open hours, please arrange to have someone else drop them off. 

In addition, please ensure donations are clean and not ripped or torn or worn beyond recognition. The store does not have enough volunteers to repair your donations. 

Please remember that, for the most part, our volunteers are an average 70 years old. 

It is very difficult to deal with donations strewn about the parking lot or the neighbourhood. Also the SCHA Thrift Store is sorry for sometimes having to put the “No Donation” sign out, but the store can get overwhelmed as all the volunteers are not back working yet. 

Donations are sold to benefit your local hospital and other community programs.  

It is not just “poor” people who shop in the store and help raise money. And why should “poor” people wear or use some of the items that are donated in bad condition? If you no longer want to wear an item because it is worn, has holes in it, stains that won’t come out, very out of style or washed so many times it really has no value, please do not donate it. If an item is cracked, stained, chipped or missing pieces, please do not donate it. If store volunteers feel they can’t sell it, it will go for recycling. Or in the garbage bin. SCHA Thrift Store recycles what it can but quite a bit goes in the garbage bin and it has pay to have that garbage taken away. This diverts vital funds away from your hospital. 

So please, think before you donate. Either wear those white socks with brown feet or that stained underwear one more time or toss it in your own garbage.