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Smart meters ineffective

Editor: One only need look at the recent power outage to see how ineffective our overpriced “smart meters” were. After digging up every single water line on the Coast we will have the same failure.


One only need look at the recent power outage to see how ineffective our overpriced “smart meters” were. After digging up every single water line on the Coast we will have the same failure. If there are leaks on private property you will have a lake and/or pond form there.

As far as consumption is concerned, meters will not stop usage but rather encourage those who can afford to simply pay. Those who can’t will be handed a bill for excavating, installing, maintaining, billing (meter readers, staff, bureaucracy, wages and pensions for all of the above).

Meanwhile the usage numbers claimed by earlier writers fail to include one dish washed or one sheet washed at the hospital, never mind any other business or industry on the Coast. Surely the cost benefit analysis must weigh heavily in favour of increasing the supply.

Metering will serve to stall any further development on the Coast.  Hard to sell a home without adequate water supply.

Ted Lewis, Roberts Creek